Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Textures

Natural Texture

Shutter 1/210, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80
Shutter 1/850, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80
Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/5.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 26.1mm, ISO 400
Shutter 1/850, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80


Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.7, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 12.3mm, ISO 400

Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.2, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 8.5mm, ISO 400
Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.0, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 6.6mm, ISO  400

Shutter 1/5, Aperture f/4.4, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 10.3mm, ISO 400

Shutter 1/6, Aperture f/4.4, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 10.3mm, ISO 400

1 comment:

  1. Okay-these are better, and the ping pong one is probably the best example for the assignment. The light helps show the textures there. The others are not as strong. Keep in mind the texture was one subject, while there are also other things as secondary subjects.
