Monday, March 23, 2015

Open Theme 2

Shutter 1/40, Aperture f/15.7, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 17.5mm, ISO 111

Shutter 1/40, Aperture f/15.7mm, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 17.5mm, ISO 147

Shutter 1/220, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80

Shutter 1/1500, Aperture f/17.6, Focal Length 50.3mm, ISO 80

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Textures

Natural Texture

Shutter 1/210, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80
Shutter 1/850, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80
Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/5.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 26.1mm, ISO 400
Shutter 1/850, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 80


Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.7, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 12.3mm, ISO 400

Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.2, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 8.5mm, ISO 400
Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/4.0, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 6.6mm, ISO  400

Shutter 1/5, Aperture f/4.4, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 10.3mm, ISO 400

Shutter 1/6, Aperture f/4.4, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 10.3mm, ISO 400

Monday, March 16, 2015

Textures in Photography Examples

Photo by Barbara W. Beacham

photo by Ronn Aldaman

Photo by Creatia Kathleen

Friday, March 13, 2015

Animorphs- Volume 2

This is my dog merged with aspects of myself. I created something horrible and I am truly sorry for that.

Animorphs- Volume I

Sylvester Stallion
Senator Michael F. Ferret of Ohio. Shots fired, Ohio. Shots fired. 
Clint Eastwolf
I was clearly amused with my ability to create puns.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Replacing the Skies

Shutter 1/280, Aperture f/17.0, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 26.1, ISO 80
Original landscape
Replaced sky
Shutter 1/150, Aperture f/17.0, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 26.1, ISO 80
Original landscape
Replaced sky
I had a lot of fun with this project, which was replacing the sky. I like the fact that I can take a boring landscape and make it brilliant. I can now, essentially, fake it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Clone Wars

This was pretty successful photoshop cloning experiment.