Shutter 1/34, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 324 |
This is an example of Narrow D.O.F. The spindles in the front are more in focus than those in back.
Shutter 1/4, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 400 |
I love chess. So, naturally, I took a picture of my chess board.
Shutter 1/17, Aperture f/3.7, Portrait Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 400 |
I literally racked up a game of billiards, broke it, took a few pictures, and was done. I had fun with it though.
Shutter 1/5, Aperture f/5.7, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 26.1mm, ISO 400 |
This is an image of a few of the trinkets my dad took home from his vacation to Mexico. I used two Mayan masks as a sort of boarder to the pyramid in the middle.
Shutter 1/12, Aperture f/3.7, Landscape Mode, Focal Length 4.3mm, ISO 400 |
This is the same thing as the last image, just without zooming in. I'm posting this picture to give the mask a little more detail as well.